Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Carelessly walking down Ego Lane


I was carelessly walking down Ego Lane,
Wondering why I'm not called Elaine,
When I heard something coming from down the road drain.

It was sudden and brutal and loud to my ear,
I had never considered a monster lived here,
So I instantly begged it would just disappear.

The clouds hid the sun
While my legs tried to run.
'Please, oh please disappear,
You monster called Fear!'

Blood rushed through my vein-
I tried to fight but in vain.
This monster grew stronger
As I just let it conquer.

I could hear its voice say
'You have no choice today'
All I wanted was to beat it
And to finally defeat it.

I stood up now straight and strong,
Proved to the monster it was wrong.
I looked around and far ahead
To realise this all was in my head.

Friday, 16 August 2013

A Light note

The hardest part is when nobody else can see in you what you can see in yourself.
If you don't show it, it will never be exposed.
It will never be exposed. Will it...