Saturday, 4 June 2011

Love for now

As humans, we have a secret need of emotional security; an abstract feeling of belongingness which seeks to be satisfied within the limited or unlimited borders of our social interactions.

This is sometimes suppressed or avoided, but in other cases it takes over. It dominates the behaviour to an extend where one becomes so dependant to another that he forgets the reasons he initially liked the person. This domination binds the logic eye and the communicational and behavioural faults are buried or eliminated for the sake of emotional security.

Sometimes it is love.
And that is why they say love is blind. But if it is blind then how can it see one's faults and accept him for them?

Some other times though, it is not love. It is lunch. Lunch for the ego which needs feeding from external sources and finds a full course meal in the face of anyone who is willing to provide security and stability. Undoubtedly, these two factors are important in friendships, relationships and other interactions but they should not become the aim.

If one needs security, he should first find it within and thereafter look for it without. In fact, this reminds me of Cavafy's poem 'The Polis' which explains that a new place will not provide a new beginning if one carries ruins within him. Similarly, a new person will not provide emotional security if one carries emptiness within him.

So if love be, make sure you love and are loved for who you are and for who the other is. Make sure you love for now, constantly, for ever and not for the security forever provides now.

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