Friday, 10 August 2012

Guantanamo in me

Some are physically trapped. Others are mentally trapped. There are those who are both but are there any who are neither?

In such an advanced society where you would expect freedom and peace to flourish within each one of us, there is more suppression and depression than ever. The need for authority from the powerful bring the most negative manipulation which resuts to plain torture to the bodies and hearts of those found in the inferior position. The powerful; those who we invest trust in and who could betray us with our own concent. Media, governments, parents, schools and relationships.

It isn't right if it feels wrong. Acknowledging that chaos could occur if everyone did what feels right, the chaos could be constructively beautiful as it would allow everyone to live in peace with their senses. It would allow euphoria and creativity, away from suppresive tolerance.

Therefore, if the general concept of humanity does not allow such conditions, even though they are greatly desired, it is in the power of each individual to become the source of his own satisfying destiny.